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What is share market in India?


What is Share Market? 

In today's topic, we will take some basic information about the stock market. Who does not want to earn money in this world? Money is very important to fulfill the needs of every human being.

If we have money then only we can fulfill our dream and without money our dream will remain as a dream. That's why today everyone in the world gives more importance to money because money is there only then you have respect, wealth, home, relatives, friends, all these things.

There are many ways to earn money in the world, some people earn money by doing jobs, some people earn money by doing business and there are some people who earn a lot of money by putting their money at stake.

But where do these people put their money at stake, what is the place where people still make profits even after putting their money at stake? That place is share market ie share market. Everyone must have heard about Share Bazar in Hindi but not everyone has the knowledge of what happens there. So today I will tell you what is share market and basic knowledge of share market.

What is Share Market in India?

Share Market and Stock Market is a market where shares of many companies are bought and sold. This is a place where some people either earn a lot of money or lose all their money. Buying a share of a company means becoming a shareholder in that company.

According to the amount of money you invest, you become the owner of some percentage of that company. Which means that if that company will make profit in future, then you will get double the money invested by you and if there is a loss then you will not get a single penny i.e. you will lose completely.

Just as it is easy to make money in the share market, in the same way it is equally easy to lose money here because there are ups and downs in the stock market.

When to buy shares in the share market?

You must have got a little idea of ​​what the stock market is. Let's know how to invest in share market in Hindi? Before buying shares in the stock market, you should first gain experience in this line that how and when should you invest here. And in which company will you invest your money, then you will get profit.

Find out all these things, gather knowledge, only then go and invest in the share market. To find out which company's share increased or fell in the share market, you can read newspapers like Economic Times or you can also watch NDTV Business News Channel from where you will get complete information about What is Share Market in Hindi.

This place is very full of risk, so you should invest here only when your financial condition is fine so that when you have a loss, you should not make much difference to that loss. Either you can do this too, in the beginning, you invest in Share Market in Hindi with a little money so that you do not get much shock going forward. As your knowledge and experience in this field increase, you can gradually increase your investment.

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If you want to invest your money in Share Market, then you can create your account on Discount Broker “Zerodha”. In this, you can open Demat Account very soon and easily and buy shares in it. Its link is given below.

Before investing in the share market, you must take more information about this market, otherwise there are many deceptions in this market. Many times it happens that some companies are fraud and if you invest your money by buying sghares of that company, then such companies run away by taking everyone's money.

And then all the money you put in goes away. Therefore, before buying shares of any company, make sure to check its background details thoroughly.

How to invest money in share market?

To buy shares in the share market, you have to create a Demat account. There are also two ways for this, the first way is that you can open a Demat account by going to a broker ie a broker.

Our share money is kept in the Demat account, just like we keep our money in a bank account. If you are investing in share market then it is very important to have your demat account.

Because after the company makes profit, all the money you will get will go to your demat account and not to your bank account and the demat account is linked with your savings account, if you want, from that demat account to your bank account. You can transfer money later.

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To create a Demat account, it is very important for you to have a savings account in any bank and for proof, copy of PAN card and address proof is required.

Another way is that you can open your demat account by going to any bank.

But if you open your account with a broker, then you will get more benefit from it. Because one, you will get good support and secondly according to your investment, they suggest you a good company where you can invest your money. They even charge money for doing this.

How to learn share market?

Everyone is very fond of becoming rich quickly. That's why all of them are looking for such quick and easy ways that will make them rich in less time and also bring lots of happiness in their life.

In such a situation, everyone finds the Share Market to be such a technique from where they can earn crores of rupees in a short time. That's why they are often in search of such Share Market Tips in Hindi which can be used quickly and become rich. So let us know about some such share market tips that all beginning investors should definitely know.

There are two main stock exchanges in India, the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE), where shares are bought and sold. These brokers are the members of the stock exchange, we can trade in the stock exchange only through them. We cannot buy or sell any share by going directly to the stock market.

1. Learn first then move on

Before trying your hand at anything, you have to get to know it properly first. For this you have to study.

In such a situation, you have to learn the share market first, only then you invest your money in it. You should not move forward without getting the knowledge of Share Market.

2 . Do your reseach yourself

On hearing the name of research, many people run away from it. But in the context of the share market, this should not be done at all. Because it is only research that can make you successful in the share market.

At the same time, you will find many market experts in many TV channels who are giving you the knowledge of shares. By the way, some of his words may be right, but if he could predict the prices of shares with such ease, then he would have been earning money sitting at his home.

You understand what I am pointing to. That's why my advice is that you should do your research by yourself.

3. Set Long-Term Goals

Understand this very well that no matter what the investment is, all the investments provide good results in long terms only. In such a situation, if you also want to invest in the share market, then do it considering it as a long term, only then you can make profit in it.

4. Understand Your Risk Tolerance

Here it means to say Risk Tolerance that everyone has a limit to take their own risk. Till which they do not care whether they have loss or profit.

In such a situation, since the share market is a bit risky, invest in it as much as you can take the risk. Because if you invest more then if you have a loss then no one can stop you from being a pauper. Prepare your portfolio according to your risk tolerance.


5. Research and Plan

Why are you not from any field? Good research and planning is very important in all.

Because in the long term success, this research and planning is of great use to you. While selecting the shares, research them well. So that you do not have to regret later.

When does the share market rise and when does it fall?

The main reason behind the increase and decrease in the share market is the demand and supply.

Demand and Supply

You will get to see two types of people in the market, but these two have different opinions.

Some people think that the market will increase and some people think that the market will decrease. To understand this, it is very important to understand two things.

1. If the demand increases or exceeds the supply, then there is an increase in the price or price.

2. On the other hand, if the supply increases with the demand, then there is a decrease in the price or price.

Let us understand it better with an example.

Suppose SBI announces its financial results and their net profit margin increases by almost 100%. This performance is actually much better than expected.

At the same time, people like you and us know that the shares of SBI are performing very well, whereas if you invest in SBI then you will see good results.

Let us assume that the SBI stock price is now Rs.250. Now you will now bid on 100 shares that too for Rs.250 but now no one wants to sell you this share because everyone thinks that the SBI stock price is going to increase further in future.

In such a situation, you increase the purchase price to buy SBI Share, that too by Rs.255, even then no one is ready to sell it, in such a situation, the demand is more than the supply, so its price has increased to Rs.260 now. . You want to buy at this price also and now someone wants to sell you for Rs.260. You will see in this that where earlier the stock price was only Rs.250, it has now increased to 260.

In the same way, when everyone feels that the company is not performing properly, then the stock price automatically decreases, in which more shareholders want to sell their shares, while no one wants to buy it, which will see a fall in the share price. meets to.

You actually buy from pessimists (pessimists) and sell to optimists (optimists).

That's exactly or this is the reason why the stock price fluctuate.

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